Learner autonomy is alive and well in Akita, Japan
—Sara Cotterall 3
The LLP in practice: Reflection on my participation in one university English class • LLPの実践:ある大学授業 に参加してみて—Yuri Nakao 12
Ellen Head’s Stories
When teachers become learners: Using metacognitive strategies to achieve autonomous language learning • 教師が学習者となる時:自主的言語 学習を成し遂げるためのメタ認知ストラテジーの使用 —Maggie Lieb 21
Finding your lexical approach: One learner’s story of developing her English vocabulary • 独自の語彙学習 法を求めて:ある学習者の英語語彙の増やし方
—Andrew Barfield & Sayako Suzuki 24
SIG News
Working together: Making a difference in language education—LD-CUE-Miyazaki Chapter Mini-Conference, November 19, 2005 31
A tapestry of autonomy taking shape—AYA 2 co-editors: Eric M. Skier & Miki Kohyama 35
Conference grant of ¥50,000 available to LD SIG members 37