Join the LD SIG
Joining the Learner Development (LD) SIG
If you are not a JALT member yet, do sign up for the membership here:
Please note that your SIG membership is synchronised with your JALT membership.
You can join us by:
(i) selecting the LD SIG as your complimentary SIG that comes with your JALT membership
(ii) choosing the LD SIG as an additional SIG (2,000 JPY) if you are an existing member
**If you have less than 6 months remaining on your current JALT membership but plan to renew, you may join the LD SIG as a Guest and be added to the mailing list. Please contact the Membership Chair Andy Barfield via Contact Us to find out how to do so.
How to Join (Additional SIG)
Option 1: Payment by post
You can join or renew by filling in the postal furikae form found at the back of The Language Teacher and paying the 2,000 JPY annual SIG membership fee at the post office.
Option 2: Payment by credit card
You can pay the 2,000 JPY annual SIG membership fee by credit card via the JALT website. See for more details.
After Joining
JALT Central Office (JCO) will process your membership payment, and you will be added to the monthly membership list that JCO sends the SIG membership chair. Once we have confirmed your membership payment, you will be notified by email. You will also be added to the different email lists that the SIG uses for communicating with SIG members about events, publications and research, so you receive the full benefits that SIG membership brings.
We encourage you to consider volunteering with our SIG as we are always looking for members to contribute to our events and publications. Should you have any further questions about your membership, please contact the Membership Chair Andy Barfield via Contact Us.