LD SIG Kansai December 2016 Report

LD SIG Kansai Get Together #12

December 3rd, 2016 10:30 – 13:00

In attendance: Agi Patko, Katherine Thornton, Ann Flanagan, Shuji Narita, Jennifer Teeter and Anita Aden
Not able to attend: Richard Silver, Yoshio Nakai

HOMEWORK for the 1/21 meeting is to read the current issue of Learning Learning.
LINK: https://ld-sig.org/learning-learning-23-3/

2017 Kansai GT dates: *3rd Saturday of each month gathering

  • January 21st (Saturday)
  • February 18th (Saturday)
  • March 18th (Saturday)

Where: Hito Machi Koryukan Community Centre (Kyoto)
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 (approx. 2 hours) When: Saturday mornings

July 9th, No August meeting, September 24th, October 8th, November 12th, December 10th
Link: www.hitomachi-kyoto.jp
〒600-8127 京都市下京区西木屋町通上ノ口上る梅湊町83-1

NOTES from this month’s meeting:

  • The main focus of this month’s Get Together was on the collaborative K2W post conference article for LD SIG’s Learning Learning newsletter.
  • The deadline is February 28th, 2017 for the April 2017: Learning Learning edition.
  • LINK: https://ld-sig.org/information-for-contributors/
  • Article length is 2500 – 4000 words
  • Editor is: Arnold Arai


1. Choose a good method of communication for the K2W conference write-up.
Some suggestions include: basecamp, asana, trello — your recommendations?

2. SURVEY made on Survey Monkey and sent to K2W participants and the presenters – sent by 12/10 — sent with the link for the PHOTOS (Agi)

SURVEY ideas:
How did participating in the K2W conference influence you?
Did you use the poster guidelines in your preparation? If yes, was this handout helpful to you?
Feedback about the topics: Did you _______?

3. Read the feedback about the conference or add more notes:
LINK: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fNi_Q8H-9NkPRb1BtyT6VpXBhEV9nJBCM-71q_UpGS8/edit#responses

4. Task / Timeline for the LL article – sign up for a section to be written by 12/22

  • Rationale for conference: Katherine
  • Aims: Anita
  • Preparation: Agi, Anita, Katherine
  • Logistics (Duties and Outcomes) and Guidelines: Ann
  • Students Voice: Agi
  • Teachers Voice:_________
  • Literature Review (CLT and JASAL): Katherine and Jen
  • Reflections (lessons learned / advice ) and Conclusion: ____________
  • Japanese description: Shuji

Upcoming conferences:

  • FLP – March 26th
  • PAN SIG – Akita May 19-21
  • JALT CALL – Matsuyama June 6 -18


SUNDAY, JUNE 11th at Kyoto University 4 Rooms available

  • Advertise this event as a chance to volunteer for a JALT conference.
  • Goal: 40 -50 participants
  • Make a SITE visit plan
  • Encourage 1st year students to attend (maybe not enough time to prepare as a presenter)
  • Goal for the next K2W conference is to have students lead / coordinate some parts of the conference.