LD SIG Kansai Get Together #13
January 21, 2017 10:30 – 12:30
Where: Hito Machi Koryukan Community Centre (Kyoto)
In attendance: Katherine Thornton, Shuji Narita and Anita Aden
Not able to attend: Yoshio Nakai, Ann Flanagan, Agi Patko, & Jennifer Teeter
Dates of LD SIG / JALT events:
- 2017 Kansai GT dates: February 18th (Saturday) and March 18th (Saturday)
- = Every third Saturday of the month
- FLP – March 26th
- PAN SIG – in Akita – May 19-21
- K2W (Kansai To the World 2) conference on Sunday, June 11th – at Kyoto Univ
- JALT CALL – in Matsuyama June 6 -18
NOTES from this month’s meeting:
1. Topics of discussion included reviewing the last year in Kansai GT and how we become involved with this group.
2. We discussed 2017 goals for Kansai GT:
A. The monthly meeting will focus on member’s issues and topics
B. K2W #2 will be on June 11th
We need to make a clear plan for this event, including a site visit, making a bilingual poster for information, call for proposal poster, and update the website for registration and information
K2W post conference article for LD SIG’s Learning Learning written by mid-February.
- The deadline is February 28th, 2017 for the April 2017 Learning Learning , Vol 24.1
- Article length is 2500 – 4000 words
- Editor is: Arnold Arai
- Learning Learning link: https://ld-sig.org/learning-learning-23-3/
- Rationale for conference: Katherine
- Preparation/Aims: Agi, Anita, Katherine
- Logistics (Duties and Outcomes) and Guidelines: Ann (completed)
- Students Voice: Agi
- Literature Review (CLT and JASAL): Katherine and Jen
- Reflections (lessons learned / advice ) and Conclusion: ____________
- Japanese description: Shuji
Info from December’s meeting:
- Advertise this event as a chance to volunteer for a JALT conference.
- Goal: 40 -50 participants
- Make a SITE visit plan
- Encourage 1st year students to attend (maybe not enough time to prepare as a presenter)
- Goal for the next K2W conference is to have students lead / coordinate some parts of the conference