Other Outreach Possibilities

Several presentations at the Learner Development SIG’s 20th Anniversary Conference focused on outreach, including building online learning communities, peace camps, social education in community classes and volunteering/service learning. Many students also took part in the conference, reporting on the development of their language learning and use, academic work, and research to do with different social issues. The possibilities for developing outreach and involving students in different learner development events and projects seem bright indeed.



Getting involved

If you have suggestions to share and/or you (& your students) would like to contribute to the development of other outreach projects, please contact the SIG co-coordinators Mathew Porter: portermathew AT MARK hotmail dot com and Mayumi Abe: mymabe AT MARK gmail dot com


プロジェクトの展開にご助力頂けるときは、部会コーディネーターのポーター・マシュー(portermathew AT MARK hotmail dot com)と 阿部真由美(mymabe AT MARK gmail dot com)までご連絡下さい。