Autonomy You Ask!

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  Published in 2003, and edited by Andy Barfield and Mike Nix,   Autonomy You Ask! was the LD SIG’s first anthology of writing exploring learner and teacher autonomy within Japanese     contexts, and features:

• 16 chapters of Japan-based, collaborative research projects;

• overview chapters by Tim Murphey, Naoko Aoki and Phil Benson;

• critical reader responses from key figures in the field, working in Japan and overseas.

Autonomy You Ask! は2003年に学習者自律ディベロップメント研究会より出版され      た最初の論文集です。Andy Barfieldと Mike Nixの編集によるもので、学習者と教師の自律    を  テーマとしております。主な内容は以下の通りです。

• 日本を基点に16章からなる協同研究プロジェット;

• Tim Murphey, Naoko AokiとPhil Benson によるオーバービュー;

• 当分野において、内外で活躍する著名な方々によるクリテイカルなリーダー・レスポンス.

Note: author email addresses in the pdf files may be out of date – please use the addressses in the table of contents below to contact authors.


Reviews of Autonomy You Ask!

“… ample examples of teachers working together… as colleagues collaboratively teaching different classes with the same curriculum, writing a curriculum, or exploring a specific issue.” Naoko Aoki, Osaka University, Japan

“Research is a matter of gaining a better understanding of (or theorizing?) some process or situation (or practice?) through engagement with data arising from it. Just a suggestion, but it seems to fit the contributions to Autonomy You Ask! rather well.” Phil Benson, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

“Autonomy You Ask! has been a priceless opportunity for collaborative development for those of us involved, and readers will feel this shared excitement.” Tim Murphey, Dokkyo University, Japan

“One value of Autonomy You Ask! overall is the way we’re given rare insights into the process of developing autonomy – snapshots of a never-ending journey, not pronouncements set in stone.” Richard Smith, University of Warwick, UK.

“the book itself is a piece of interactive discourse which constitutes successful action research in teacher/learner development. It is also original in articulating the pedagogical debate in a socio-cultural framework and in providing an account of the development of autonomy for learners and teachers of English in Japan. In a fundamental sense, the form of the book cannot be separated from the content which is based on a dialogic notion of knowledge-construction across cultures.” Edith Esch, University of Cambridge, System 33 (2005).

Table of Contents

Storytelling, Map-making, and Learning to See in the Dark: Reflections on Our History – Hugh Nicoll I Full text pdf

Acknowledgements: Waves of Gratitude – Andy Barfield and Mike Nix I Full text pdf

Introducing the Writers and Reader Responders I Full text pdf

A Collaborative Preface: Four Incomplete Views of Autonomy You Ask! – Andy Barfield, Denise Boyd, Stephen J. Davies, Mike Nix pdf

Watching the Waves

1. Learning to surf: Structuring, negotiating and owning autonomy – Tim Murphey I Full text pdf

Charting the Waters

2. Learner beliefs about language learning and learner autonomy: A reconsideration – Miyuki Usuki, with responses from Stacey Vye, Eric M. Skier and Kazuyoshi Sato I Full text pdf

3. One reality of autonomous language learning in Japan: Time, shame, and maturity – Eric M. Skier and Stacey Vye, with responses from Kevin Bodwell and Etsuko Shimo I Full text (pdf)

4. Insights into the interplay of learner autonomy and teacher development – Timothy Stewart, with responses from Miyuki Usuki and Julian Edge I Full text pdf

5. Routine reflections on developing autonomy? – Andy Barfield, with responses from Stephen J. Davies and Mary Lee Field I Full text (pdf)

6. Institutional pressures and learner autonomy Michael Carroll and Ellen Head, with responses from Hugh Nicoll and Sara Cotterall I Full text (pdf)

Swimming through the Currents

7. Changing attitudes: Fluency-focused speaking practice – Emika Abe, with responses from Helga Deeg and Keiko Sakui I Full text (pdf)

8. Tuning freshmen into autonomy through student-directed language learning projects – Jodie Stephenson and Miki Kohyama, with responses from Ellen Head, Michael Carroll and Hayo Reinders I Full text (pdf)

9. A class project: Collaborative newsletters – Joyce Cunningham and Wade Carlton, with responses from Heidi Evans Nachi and Chitose Asaoka I Full text (pdf)

10. Learner autonomy and motivation in a cooperative learning class – Akiko Takagi, with responses from Emika Abe and Richard Smith I Full text (pdf)

11. Metacognitive strategies, reflection, and autonomy in the classroom – Peter Mizuki, with responses from Akiko Takagi and Sonthida Keyuravong I Full text (pdf)

12. Self-assessment and learner strategy training in a coordinated program: Using student and teacher feedback to inform curriculum design – Heidi Evans Nachi, with responses from Nobuyuki Takaki and Stephen H. Brown I Full text (pdf)

13. Learners’ perceptions of portfolio assessment and autonomous learning – Etsuko Shimo, with responses from Joyce Cunningham & Wade Carlton and Ana Maria Ferreira Barcelos I Full text (pdf)

14. Expanding space for reflection and collaboration – Naoko Aoki I Full text (pdf)

Exploring the Deep

15. Writing autonomy; or ‘It’s the content, stupid!’ – Mike Nix, with responses from Jodie Stephenson & Miki Kohyama and Sultan Erdogan I Full text (pdf)

16. Making it more real: Portfolios, teacher training, and autonomy – Cath Malone, with responses from Flavia Vieira and Timothy Stewart I Full text (pdf)

17. Learner portfolios: Who is at the controls? – Stephen J. Davies, with responses from Richard Pemberton and Cath Malone I Full text (pdf)

18. Of fish, perceptions, and stereotypes – Stephen H. Brown, with responses from Andy Barfield and Dick Allwright I Full text (pdf)

Contemplating the Shimmering Sea

19. A Bacardi by the pool – Phil Benson I Full text (pdf)

Bibliography pdf

Index I Full text pdf