
Welcome to the website of the Learner Development Special Interest Group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT). We are a lively, dynamic community of learners and teachers from all teaching contexts, both formal and informal, who share an interest in exploring learner development and autonomy through our practice, research, and dialogue.


  • We organize regular local get-togethers in Tokyo, Kansai and Hiroshima, and forums at the PanSIG, JALTCALL, and JALT International conferences.
  • We publish an inclusive and informative bi-annual newsletter, Learning Learning.
  • We collaborate on publications of research and practice in the area of learner development.
  • We encourage dialogue among our members, on our Blog and LD-News mailing list.
  • We support outreach projects relating to language learning in communities less fortunate than our own.
  • We offer grants to members to support research, projects, and conference attendance.
  • 東京、関西、広島で定期的に地域別集会を開催しています。また、国内の学会ではフォーラムを開催しています。
  • 年2回、情報が満載のニュースレター『学習の学習』を発行しています。
  • 学習者ディベロプメントの分野における研究と実践の出版に向けて、共同で取り組んでいます。
  • ブログや LD-News リスト上で、会員同士の対話を奨励しています。
  • 支援が必要と思われるコミュニティーにおいて、言語学習に関わるアウトリーチプロジェクトを支援しています。
  • 研究助成、学会参加助成、プロジェクトへの助成など、さまざまな助成金を支給しています。

Please join us. We look forward to working with you!


  • The Learner Development Journal ~ Issue 7

    Volume 7 of The Learner Development Journal on Challenging the Conventions of Learner Development Research was published in December 2023 and is available here for online reading and downloading.

  • Follow our on-going activity reports here or on Facebook!

Past roundup and review